25 November 2009


Crocodile is waiting for his name. Because he is so distinguished, I find the  name Lyle to be not quite adequate. Suggestions are welcome!

Crocodile is made of rescued wool and upcylced poly (the green is a vivid lime, the weave is how I would imagine the underbelly of a croc to be). His vest is an extension of his body material, and like Caritas Cat, is an exploration of where suit and body meet.

Voodoo Dolls - prototypes

BYOVD - we invited folks over for Halloween, provided they brought their own Voodoo Dolls. Martina from RX Design fashioned these. Since then our son has enjoyed playing with them - lets hope Martina and Eva are not suffering any ill effects.

I find they both have tremendous potential as regular dolls; their proportions - especially the feet on the right one and the body on the left one, are fun and a little "off". I also really like the weight of them, they feel substantial in the hand. Finally, they leave room for lots of imagination - who are they and what might they have to say?

Let's see if these 2 early prototypes will go anywhere...

18 November 2009


GOOD examines climate change and the lead up to 'Copenhagen'.  It is also a fabulous source of info and really great, beautifully designed charts and graphs.


17 November 2009

Caritas Cat

The Caritas Cat is a bit of a street urchin who makes himself comfortable where he pleases.

Caritas Cat is made from one German made wool suit and some rescued tan cord. Stuffed with spelt, hemp and a bit of poly, I find him particularly sustainable... although finding such a suit again will be difficult. 

The development process was interesting, as I started without a pattern and wanted to keep things as loose as possible while capturing that classic pose. Pinning, cutting and sewing as I went allowed for an expressive looseness, once the pose of the cat started to emerge though I tightened up a bit. I think the next cat will be more an exploration of the suit form with some tailoring references.

Molotov Cocktail Mobile

The Molotov Cocktail Mobile with paving stones; a training aid for young revolutionaries or a way for pacifists to participate?

The material is either "pre-loved" or rescued. The paving stones are 100% wool which gives them a texture and stone like dullness. The Molotov Cocktail is (in this case) a mixture of cotton and poly with a cheese cloth wick.

