Remembrance Day 11.11 - A Tail of Two Sides
My Nanna, the war bride. Grew up in Dorking south of London. Her father suffered a heart attack and died during the bombing of southern England. Her mother followed a few months later. She was pregnant at the time, 19, and waiting for her husband to return safely, while trying to survive the air raids. Some of her brothers were still over seas, some had returned (wounded, maimed). She carried her baby through the hottest July she can remember.
bouncing baby, 1942
When the war was over and the bomb shelters dismantled, they came to Canada. She alone with her toddler, the journey took a few weeks. Her husband soon followed. After a terrible winter on the prairies the ultimatum to move to Vancouver or return to England was made. Vancouver it was! Life wasn't easy, the war followed them to their new home. Despite the difficulties and uncertainties she is sure she made the right decision. A strong, elegant and funny woman, at 91 she is still completing the New York Times crossword puzzles (Saturday edition). Love you and thank you
wedding day |
My Oma, the single mother. Grew up in the Steiermark in the middle of Austria. She was also pregnant that same year as my Nanna, in 1942, but was spared the worst of the heat as her baby came in June. She was also spared most of the bombing, but none of the fear or loss. Brothers and friends were killed or wounded. Eventually the war ended, but not before various armies(including the Russians) had marched through and stayed too long. Hunger followed for a few years, children worked on farms before and after school for meals, her son among them. After a time, life returned to normalcy and her family grew, a husband and another baby, a daughter. Her son emigrated to Canada at 19, where he stayed and prospered. Her daughter stayed and grew a family of her own. Love you all.
before the war |